How to stop an argument from escalating out of control
Have you ever experienced conflict and then ask yourself, “What just happened?” Most people have this thought after an argument that escalated out of control.
Our capacity to live meaningfully, wisely, and compassionately depends on our openness to exploring our inner world
Hi, I’m Pam, and I’m so happy that you are here. I’d like to share with you a bit about myself both personally and professionally.
I have wanted to be a therapist for as long as I can remember. When I was a little girl, I would envision myself sitting in a chair and counseling people. I don’t even know how I knew about the field as young as I did, I just knew. And I have never looked back. I love my work, and I’m so grateful to have been able to follow my passion.
It is easy to fall in love. Well, really, it is easier to fall in love than it is to stay in love. Most of us remember that wonderful feeling of falling in love. Maybe if we knew how hard it would be to maintain a happy and healthy relationship, none of us would be brave enough to start a relationship! And yet, we are hard wired for connection. This ebook is about how to maintain that connection.
I have included a personally valued tip, it’s the one that saved my marriage!
I learned very early in my work as a therapist that most challenges that bring someone into counseling are challenging relationships. Not just couples, this includes work relationships, friendships, and/or parent/child – this list goes on. I discovered that many with anxiety, depression, trauma, marital relationships, and so on – so much stemmed from the challenges that they faced in their relationships. Many believe that the quality of our relationships determines that quality of our lives. This is why I am passionate about helping people grow individually and relationally!
Have you ever experienced conflict and then ask yourself, “What just happened?” Most people have this thought after an argument that escalated out of control.
If you have ever questioned your sanity when in conflict with your partner, you may be experiencing gaslighting. A person who gaslights can cause you
by guest blogger Pam Fullerton, psychotherapist and writer Have you ever experienced the following in a relationship? Everything is going well, you feel connected, you’re