Pam Fullerton, PhD

Gaslighting explained

If you have ever questioned your sanity when in conflict with your partner, you may be experiencing gaslighting. A person who gaslights can cause you to question your reality of how you experienced an argument or really anything. In this video, you will see how confidently a person can gaslight. That is what can cause you to question your reality. Overtime, you lose trust in what you know to be true. I do want to say that I believe that the term ‘gaslighting’ has been overused. It is important to remember that to some degree – all of us blame our partner for some things – our unhappiness and/or things that we don’t like about our relationship. But gaslighting in its extreme is toxic. It my video, you will see that a person who gaslights does it in such a confident way which is why you will question your sanity.
Let me say this about gaslighting – it’s complicated. A person might use elements of truth that make a person question their sanity even more. If you are a person who is open to personal growth and feedback – you might find gaslighting more impactful. However, remember this, it is often the case that someone who gaslights, does not take personal responsibility, does not engage in personal growth, does not empathize, or validate, and does not engage in repair after conflict. If you can remember this – it may help you understand that you are likely on the other side of gaslighting.
In my video, I explain exactly what gaslighting is. I use clips from a TV show to show you exactly what gaslighting looks like and I talk about what you can do when you are being gaslighted. One thing to know about this video is that the person who is gaslighting and the victim of gaslighting are not romantically involved. People can experience gaslighting from anyone; however, when you are romantically involved with a person who gaslights you – it makes it all the more challenging to trust your truth. One thing that is clear in the video is that someone who gaslights does so with confidence. This is one reason why it is so challenging to stand your ground on what you know to be true. However, It can be done. I have worked with people who have been able to find their voice and their truth. As well as learning how to respond to someone who gaslights them. Someone who gaslights does so with a person who they can manipulate. Once you learn how to stand your ground – they are not able to gaslight. And most importantly, you can learn how to stand your ground in a way that is not against your partner. The best line of defense is to learn to feel strong and positive about how you respond to anyone who gaslights. Do not meet them where they are – meaning do not blame them in return or name call or lash out. The best defense, as they say, is to rise up. That is how you learn to be your most confident self.

If you want to learn more about relationships – I wrote this for you “Ten Essential Things I’ve Learned About Marriage & Relationships” I’ve included the lesson that saved my marriage. I care about the work that I put out to you, and I hope you find it helpful. Let me know!
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